Friday, May 22, 2020

Analysis Of El Greco Made Me - 1123 Words

At first while looking at the artworks it is actually not possible to figure out that the artist himself might be representing him in his piece. But after reading the notes and knowing that the artist is also a part in the image does enhances the two works of art. For the first image of The Burial of Count Orgaz by El Greco, he did not include his portrait in the artwork, Instead, he included an image of his son. On his son’s handkerchief, he wrote, â€Å"El Greco made me†. That indicates how El Greco will live on through this painting and through his son. But he is not done here yet, placed against the saint is one of the El Greco’s landscape paintings. Such portraits do enhance the artwork a lot. In the second image of Las Menians by Velazquez is different from the previous one as the artist is prominently found in this artwork. Left side of the image is dominated by the back of the artists and right side by the figures. The figures including young princess, th e king, and the Queen. The princess is all dressed up for her portrait session with Velazquez. However, in the close up picture, I can see the artist seems very bored by being there. As if he just wants to finish the portrait and leave. He has this unpleasant face that according to me does enhance the artwork and makes in more interesting. He is like the focal point of the piece to set the artwork unique beside others. One way is in El Greco’s artwork, how he includes the image of his son instead of him to refer himselfShow MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pagesedition. French S. Matton, La magie arabe traditionelle, Paris, 1977 (incomplete) Latin Picatrix: The Latin Version of the Ghà ¢yat Al-Hakà ®m, ed. David Pingree (London, Warburg Institute, 1986). Spanish Abul-Casim Maslama ben Ahmad: Picatrix (El fin del sabio y el mejor de los dos medios para avanzar). Edicià ³n de Marcelino Villegas Editora Nacional. Coleccià ³n  «Biblioteca de visionarios, heterodoxos y marginados ». (Madrid, 1982). English An English translation of the first two books of Picatrix was releasedRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesHRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Socializing, Orienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAINING

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Research On Heterosexism - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 596 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Sexism Essay Did you like this example? Heterosexism (Research and Thesis proposal) The topic that I would like to explore on my finale research paper is in regards of LGBT community families and the effect of existing heterosexism on those families. There are three types of heterosexism that greatly impact lives of LGBT communities and their families throughout the United States. First, is an individual heterosexism which according to Koppelman, K. L. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Research On Heterosexism" essay for you Create order (2017). is a prejudiced attitudes and behavior against others based on the assumption that sexual orientations other than heterosexual are unnatural(p.253); Second, is an institutional heterosexism that contains established laws, customs, and practices in a society that allow systematic discrimination against people or groups who are not heterosexual Koppelman, K. L. (2017).; and last one is called a cultural heterosexism As Koppelman, K. L. (2017). states The societal promotion of negative beliefs and practices that reinforce dominant culture traits that define heterosexuality as the norm and anything else as deviant and unacceptable (p.252) It also promotes the assumption of superiority of heterosexuals over those who are not heterosexual. What fascinates me about this topic is that LGBT marriages are on the raise according to the newest polls. More than 10.4% of LGBT adults are married to a same-sex spouse, and there is an observable trend of an increase in number of same-sex marriages. According to Gallup polls (2017) About 67% of Americans voicing their approval for gay marriages but still there are people who thinks gay marriage is not right and that LGBT community should not have right to have biological or adoptive children. Another reason for which I chose this topic is a gay couple that I observe on social media. Trystan Reese is a transgender man who got married with his boyfriend Biff and they adopted two children who were in desperate need for home. Later Trystan got pregnant with their biological child and was known in media as a pregnant man. Trystan and Biff endured lots of hatred and prejudice, but it didnt stop them from being LGBT activists. My intended goal is to prove that gay marriages can be as nurturing and loving for their children as heterosexual marriages. Also, I want to teach the reader that there are no developmental or deviant changes in children who were raised by gay couples, and most importantly being raised by gay couple does not influence sexual orientation of an individual. Several myths regarding parenting in LGBT community caused misconceptions and harmful prejudices; therefore, the indented goal of this research paper is to show evidence that it is beneficial for gay marriages to have social acceptance especially when they are raising children. My thesis proposal is: Same sex marriage should be destigmatized, socially accepted in all 50 states because disapproval of its validity has negative psychological and social impact on same sex couples, their children and families. The literature for the research that I have found on ACC web library is: Jefferson, Ashley Nicole (2014) Graduate Theses and Dissertations in defense of love and same-sex parenting: rhetorical analysis of the apologia from children of same-sex couples. (2014). United States, North America. Taylor Francis Online, 2018. Assessing Prejudice Toward Two-Father Parenting and Two-Mother Parenting: The Beliefs on Same-Sex Parenting Scale. (2018). Ball, C. A. (2014). Same-Sex Marriage and Children: A Tale of History, Social Science, and Law. New York: Oxford University Press. Triger, Z. (2013). The childs worst interests: socio-legal taboos on same-sex parenting and their impact on childrens well-being. Israel Studies Review References: Koppelman, K. L. (2017). Understanding Human Differences (5th ed.). [VitalSource]. Retrieved from

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Positive Effects of Balancing Government Budget Free Essay Example, 750 words

Lecturer: presented: Introduction Prudent budgeting of our personal incomes ensures that we are able to comfortably pay our bills, meet our daily expenses and set aside savings for future investments. This ensures that we are able to live within our means thereby avoiding living in perpetual debts. Spending more than your income is irresponsible and it particularly burdens your dependants and the economy of a country. Balancing our personal budgets is therefore very important because it reflects our real financial expenditure and our total revenues. This makes it possible to control our expenses in order to ensure that areas of priority are not overlooked (Daniel, 2005, p 21). Similarly, governments should balance their budget to ensure that it operates comfortably on its revenues, within its means. Balancing Government Budget Government obtains revenue from three major sources. These are through direct taxes, borrowing, and printing money. When the government imposes taxes, funds from entrepreneurs, businessmen, personal incomes and capitalists are collected. These funds are channeled to the treasury, where politicians and policy makers control on how to spend in a given particular financial year. We will write a custom essay sample on Positive Effects of Balancing Government Budget or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The funds are allocated to ministries, from which each department is required to utilize the funds to meet its operations. This exposes the funds to manipulation, bureaucracy and misuse, resulting in recurring budgetary deficits (Spear, 2007, pp 45-50). Borrowing is the other method which government uses to meet its financial obligations. In this regard, most governments resort to external lenders, while others borrow domestically by floating government bonds to the public and domestic investors. These sources of revenue call for making sound economic judgments, in order to check inflation and subsequent increase in the cost of living. Finally, printing money is the other source of funds whereby the government injects additional currencies in the market. When the market is flooded with money, the purchasing power of the currency reduces. This overtaxes the citizens by drastically reducing the value of their incomes (White, 2006, pp 79-80). In view of these monetary dynamics, government should balance its budget to ensure that it meets its financial obligations, without overburdening the tax payers. Balancing budget enables the government to set and make realist financial judgments, which are not at the expense of the taxpayers. The current global recession has drastically reduced the level of income both at individual and national levels, as a result of job losses and shrinking of major markets. Consequently, the total revenue which the government collects has drastically reduced, while the total expenditure remains high. As a result, most economies are recording negative growth, due to decreasing revenues and the people are experiencing a host of financial challenges. In this regard, balancing government budget would be beneficial in a number of ways. Firstly, it would enable the government to control and critically analyze its spending. This will enable it to prioritize on the most important sectors, for example health, education, housing, security and welfare of workers. This would cushion these key areas from incurring budgetary deficits during periods of financial crises. This would ensure that vital public services are improved and protected at all times (Broch, 2000, pp 51-52). Secondly, balancing budget would enable the government to live within its means. This would be achieved by limiting spending through cost cutting measures on unnecessary expenditure. Savings accrued from these measures could be used in investments, such as creating jobs and improving the infrastructure. In addition, balancing budget would save tax payers substantial amounts of money. When government incurs budgetary deficit, it normally resort to borrowing in order to sustain its operations. In addition, it can increase the money in circulation by printing more currencies. This increases the levels of inflation, which raises the cost of living and doing business (Daniel, 2005, p35). Balancing the budget could ensure that the government builds on its strategic cash reserves, by encouraging fiscal policies which minimize spending and enhance savings. Simply put, balancing budgets ensures that government ministries do not overspend their allocations. Any surplus could be used to settle operating debts and hence reduce dependency on borrowing. In this regard, taxpayers are spared the agony of skyrocketing expenses and the cost of doing business decreases. This encourages savings at personal level, which increase purchasing power of consumers. Conducive investment environment is also established, which in turn create more job opportunities. In conclusion, balancing government budget just as in personal budgets encourages utilization of resources more wisely. The government owes the taxpayers an obligation to use their money on provision of goods and services, which add value to their lives. This improves the quality of life. In addition, should the unexpected happen such as the current economic crisis, well run governments would be able to provide sufficient cover to both businesses and individuals from incurring heavy loses. Personally, I think that if financial budgets and expenditure are not politicized and exposed to bureaucracy, balancing budgets would guarantee quality service delivery to the taxpayers. Bibliography 1. Broch, Schroeder. Business in Perspective: Principles of Budgeting. New York: Russell, Sage Foundation, 2000. 2. Daniel, Wilkinson. Personal Finances: How to get the Most out of Your Paycheck. London: Oxford University Press, 2005. 3. Spear, Waller. Applied Business Continuity Systems: What Does Government taxes mean to your Enterprise? South Africa Business Journal, vol 43, (2007): 45-50. 4. White, Percival. Market Analysis: Its Principles and Methods. London: McGraw- Hill Book Company Inc, 2006.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Survey Of Cloud Computing And Healthcare - 2315 Words

Survey of Cloud Computing in Healthcare Today Arnold Payne, Jr. University of Maryland, University College Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss Cloud Computing, a new technology that has become an important tool in the business of healthcare. The paper will provide an overview of cloud computing and discuss the evolution of this new concept in business today. The paper will also examine the application of cloud computing in healthcare and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. Since there are many perspectives on HIPAA and HITECH acts in the healthcare community that have caused fears and concerns regarding security requirements for storing patient data remotely, the conclusion of the paper will review and discussed the†¦show more content†¦Shortly after that, In J.C.R Licklider began conceptualize the idea developing a globally accessible network of computers that would allow access of applications and data remotely throughout the world, wherever the internet existed. Of course all of this would require huge bandwidth capabilities that at that time were not available. Howe ver, this all became possible in the 1990’s when the bandwidth of the internet had evolved to be large enough to bring cloud computing to the world (history of cloud computing, 2009). Once the internet became a viable medium for cloud-based computing, companies started offering applications to the masses. In early 2000’s, Amazon developed a cloud-based tool, Amazon Mechanical Turk, which offered cloud computing, data storage and artificial intelligence. Later, in 2006, Amazon released its second generation cloud services known as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) that allowed individuals and organizations to rent computing space to run all their computer applications and data storage needs. With EC2, Amazon had truly brought in to the concept of cloud computing. After that computer giants like Google, Microsoft and Apple began to offer affordable, useful applications for computers and smart devices that were able to on the cloud and not by the devises. Consequently, there are tens of thousands of such cloud-based applications available. The advent of Cloud

Electronics Human Resources Management (E-Hrm) Free Essays

Introduction Electronics Human Resources Management (e-HRM) is one of the most critical tools for analyzing businesses for the next step in business strategy. Even the tiny, no more than 30 staff in an office is necessary to explore the advantage of using e-HRM to achieve higher efficiency. Many companies do not understand how much time and cost they are spending on traditional human resource management (HRM) tasks until they brainstorm and try to save their time. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronics Human Resources Management (E-Hrm) or any similar topic only for you Order Now E-HR can provides valuable potential for a wide variety of uses including employee self-service, the production of reports, the sharing of information and the administration of functions (Pass, 2002). VHR offers a network-based structure built on partnerships and typically mediated by information technology(IT) to help an organization acquire, develop and deploy intellectual capital(Lepak and Snell,1998). Therefore, e-HRM is evaluating to be its information technology(IT) field . One of the major reason why using e-HRM is that global competition is giving more and more stress on managers in United State to increase the speed and the quality of decision making. Moreover, providing more funding in information technology usually result in faster and better management decision making. ( Broderick, R. Boudreau, J. W. ,1992) More and more senior managers started to use e-HRM to improve the performance in Human Resources . Hussain, Wallace, and Cornelius (2007) discovered that the norm, irrespective of company size can be increased gradually for senior HR professionals implementing the systems of e-HRM and this had led to the HR profession providing a value-add for the company. The main objectives of this paper are to: -Understanding the Electronic Human Resource Management -Types of Electronic Human Resource Management -Theoretical Perspectives -Example of using Electronic Human Resource Management The paper is written as follows. First and foremost, we provide a understanding basic concept of e-HRM ,how it works and the uses of computers. Then we will describe the three types of e-HRM and explain the theoretical perspectives with example. Lastly, we recap the conclusion and provide suggestions for organization in the future. After reading this paper, we will see the importance of implementing electronic Human resource information systems. a. Structure of your paper 1. Present the major concepts or real world problems you want to address Understanding Electronic Human Resource Management Nowadays, the concept of e-HRM is still unclear no meter how senior mangers frequently using them. In fact, e-HRM is the (planning, implementation and) application of information technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors in their shared performing of HR activities. (Strohmeier, S. , 2007). The aim of e-HRM is to provide the potential improvement of services to HR department stakeholders. Apart from this, the operating and transferring of computerized HR information is also called electronic human resource management. It offers companies to reduces costs and provide more sufficient information to employees in a shorter and more efficient way. Especially in economic downturn, it becomes the key for companies to be more efficient in every section of their business. The majority of the computer applications are to manage employee personal records and payroll. A common payoff to such investments was more efficient information management. Type of Electronic Human Resource Management Three major type of e-HRM like operational, relational and transformational were revealed by Lepak and Snell (1998). Operational e-HRM is involved in supervisory function like employee personal data and payroll. Many Human Resources activities such as pay and benefits service to the Internet are rearranged by many firms in order to achieve higher efficiency (Perrine, 2001). In traditional way, the basic salary, commission, wages, and benefits were recorded and calculated by manual writing on paper at a certain time interval. However, the internet offers an instantaneous way for employees obtaining information on separating into salaries, deductions and accumulated balances. The information of Wages, other benefits and salary can be directly achieved by downloading from the payroll, benefits and compensation databases. (Ngai, E. W. T. , Law, C. C. H, Chan, S. C. H. , Wat, F. K. T. , 2008) Relational e-HRM is focused on supportive business operations. Incidentally, training, recruitment, performance management are examples of under Relational e-HRM.. In recruitment and selection, online recruiting is the trend nowadays. (Bussler and Davis, 2001; Kumar, 2003)The information of the job seekers is stored in the information system. The method of screening out of suitable candidates is no longer by human eyes, but enters the keywords for identifying the basic requirement. Moreover, performance appraisal will not only be evaluated at a period of time, but can easily be followed up online by not tracking only one databases such as supervisors, peers, customers or subordinates. (Ngai, E. W. T. , Law, C. C. H, Chan, S. C. H. , Wat, F. K. T. , 2008)One of the major reasons in using e-HRM is that the use of internet support for the function of training and development. (Kirrane,1990). It can save the time of teacher in recording the a series of lessons once and upload it on the e-Learning for the candidates to learn by themselves. Besides, the reference books can be printed out as a PDF file and uploaded it on the databases system for candidate or researcher further educations. As a results, the education materials like recruiting teachers, reserving rooms for teaching or ordering the books can be reduced gradually. Hence, it can save the cost in training section. On the other hand, it increase the efficiency and effectiveness . Transformational e-HRM is covered the area of HRM activities with a strategic character, for instances, know management, strategic re-orientation. Know management is about organizations using new method to engage the problems of innovation and competitiveness. (Swart and Kinnie, 2003). It is possible to create a change ready workforce through an integrated set of web-based tools that enables the workforce to develop in line with the company’s strategic choices or to have paper-based materials. (Huub and Tanya ,2004) Theoretical Perspectives Well defined theory can become the critical part in research and development. In this paper, we will discuss them briefly. New institutional theory (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983) provides adequate and developed possibilities to explain the connections of the context and the structure of e-HRM. Transaction cost theory(Williamson,1994) explains the structure and the connection of the economic consequences of e-HRM. In the other words, organization should consider the institutional arrangements according to the cost effectiveness. Example of using Electronic Human Resource Management In cost leadership objectives, cost reduction in different aspects such as reporting, monitoring the status of applications and transaction operation is the main concerned of many senior professionals. In order to reduce the administrative cost effectively and efficiently, computerization can exclude the layers of paper writing and decentralize administrative work. As a result, administrative standardization, accuracy and the controls will also be improved. Conclusion 2. Present the theories and models that you want to use to analyze the concepts or problems based on your real world experiences 3. Analyze the concepts or problems by using these theories and models 4. Present your conclusions Reference Pass, C. (2002),†How one company has embraced e-HR†,HR Focus,Vol. 79,pp. 1-3. Broderick, R. Boudreau, J. W. (1992) Human resource management, information technology and the competitive edge, Academy of Management Executive, 6(2), 7-17. Lepak,D. P and Snell,S. A. (1998),†Virtual HR:Strategic human resource management in the 21st century†, Human Resource Management Review,Vol. , pp. 215-34 Hussain, Z. , Wallace, J. , Cornelius, N. E. (2007). The use and impact of human resource information systems on human resource management professionals. Information Management, 44, 74-89. Strohmeier, S. (2007), Research in e-HRM: Review and implications. Human Resource Management Review, 17, 19-37. Ngai, E. W. T. , Law, C. C. H, Chan, S. C. H . , Wat, F. K. T. (2008), Importance of the Internet to Human Resource Practitioners in Hong Kong, Personnel Review, 37, 66-84. Huub and Tanya(2004)†E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM† Kirrane, D. E. (1990),†Machine learning†, Training and Development Journal,Vol. 4, pp. 24-9. Kumar, S. (2003),†Managing human capital supply chain in the internet era†, Industrial Management Data Systems, Vol. 103, pp. 227-37 Swart, J. and Kinnie, N. (2003),†Sharing knowledge-intensive firms†, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 13 No. 2, pp. 60-75 Williamson, O. E. (1994). Transaction costs economics and organization theory. In N. Smelser R. Swedberg (Eds. ), Handbook of Economic How to cite Electronics Human Resources Management (E-Hrm), Essay examples

Getty Museum Report Essay Research Paper Getty free essay sample

Getty Museum Report Essay, Research Paper Getty Museum study Getty Center is a topographic point to see and bask art in alone scene that features dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking positions. The Getty Center is surrounded yet somewhat removed from the metropolis, arousing both urbanity and peaceable contemplation. It is located at the really high extremum of the mountain, which is perfect position of the environing country. The Getty centre is over two-hill top ridge ; stand inside the museum Entrance Hall s cylindrical space-which callback the surging rotundas of many great edifice of the yesteryear. Even thought the Getty centre is in private owned but dedicated to the ocular humanistic disciplines and the humanistic disciplines and it has a batch more to offer to its visitants, than any other museum I of all time visited though out my life-time. The Getty provides chances for people to more to the full understand, experience, value, and continue the universe # 8217 ; s artistic and cultural heritage. Getty museum trip starts at the really underside of the train station, which is built to transport visitants at the top Arrival place country, which is located environing the Green trees and country is made of Marble architecture. As we Enter into the Building the A form of metal frame is built which show Welcome to visitants. The museum it self is separated into four different subdivision which are North Pavilion, South Pavilion, East Pavilion and West Pavilion, which has its ain type of aggregation of art and sculpture from the past history. As walked in at first sight we spotted a North Pavilion, which is filled with fantastic exhibition of discoloration glass picture, which is done by creative person called of D rer, and Holbein was the learner, which worked right by side of his maestro. D rer introduced to the medium the same huge capaciousness, sculptural mold, and deepness of look that are found in his pictures and prints. Stained in Glass was a renaissance art signifier, although widely thought of mediaeval art, discoloration glass flourished during Renaissance, particularly in Germany and Switzerland. Most of the picture reveals information about Renaissance s painting epoch. They have achievements of Renaissance panel picture and printmaking, but they may non cite images of stained glass. Nevertheless, D rer, Holbein, and their southern German and Swiss coevalss designed some of the most glorious plants in the history of the medium. In the discoloration picture which were about Grecian s spiritual symbols and God and male monarchs. They are more like narrative stating images. Stain glass images has the values of the colourss which shows true position of a colour scene when visible radiation is appeared from the dorsum of the portrayal or landscape. It has Sculpture of Greek s Gods which were made of bronzy stuff, which are looking to be like made with machines but they are manus made sculptures. In this marquee they had stain glass picture, and on the 2nd floor picture was from 1500-1600, and the picture were framed with wooden frames with aureate screen on it. Few other painting on canvas and slate. In this edifice I like the picture of day-to-day life scene of genre at ( 1509 ) the creative person was Baccio Della Porta, its was painted in Italy. This image depict the position of other sides and country and its chief focal point is on heterosexual on object instead than other natural position of the portrayal. The Renaissance creative person s ability to humanise the diverse, and fulfill the natural. In the portrayal creative person is seeking to acquire viewer s attending by holding line design which leads to see to look at each image from the one point of position to another position, and this image of St. Joseph, female parent and two childs stated chief focal point from the female parent and so that unseeable line starts to pull attending from the female parent to left side kid so kid is view to another kid. From all of the picture at particular exhibition I liked the picture of ceramic from 1400-1600 abduction of Helen. Which was created by Francisco xanto Avelli. It was originated in Italy, and the median of this picture was Tin-glazed Earth ware. In this image the chief focal point is on the girl of God is being abducted in ship. South Pavilion is aggregation of place furniture of from the yesteryear, which unique design of its ain sort, which are rare to happen in the market. This edifice is contains most of the place furniture which shows how Furniture creative person were more progress, and they used to be cosmetic minded people during that period of clip. The work of art from 1770-1785 shows that neoclassic period of clip, which is more into to architecture and furniture design than more into the pictures, so comes transitional manner which relates to the unrecorded graduated table and proportional of ancient architecture. In this Building I like the most about a tabular array, which was made of piece of assorted wood and set them together by gum, which is more impressive than any other furniture. East marquee is aggregation of Gallic tapestry from 1690-1705, the development during the Rocco clip. Dutch A ; Famish picture. 1600-1675. It has aggregation of abduntant its originated in Nether land, it has portrayal of still life and painted in high grade of naturalism for delectation of merchandiser category. It besides has portrayal of landscape and genre and scene of day-to-day life. West marquee is the aggregation of the art of furniture and of old manner Daybed 1932-1835, made by Flippo Pleagib, originally is the work of art from the Italy. The Daybed combines the elements of the assorted beginnings. And the design is appears to be from Egyptian manner which really alone to all other furniture manner of painting manner of the stupa cloth. Decorated chairs, Mirrors, Pottery, and sculpture, and the statue of the Fetus and the God of love, and the statue of the goddess Venus of the birthrate, which represents the symbol of the birthrate to immature adult females. As we walked out of the West physique we came across the garden, which is portion of the work of art, as visitant is walked across it, the green shrubs are planted in the centre of the Garden. Over all the Getty museum is a topographic point to see the visualising the facet of the right significance of the creative person s point of position and larn how a art work can be narrative stating as the stating a A Picture is deserving thousand word and its is truly of import when creative person picks different type of puting or back land, and this truly demo how a creative person truly feels about the picture, and by art we are able to decrypt the yesteryear of history of the civilisation which existed in early old ages. 32e