Friday, May 22, 2020

Analysis Of El Greco Made Me - 1123 Words

At first while looking at the artworks it is actually not possible to figure out that the artist himself might be representing him in his piece. But after reading the notes and knowing that the artist is also a part in the image does enhances the two works of art. For the first image of The Burial of Count Orgaz by El Greco, he did not include his portrait in the artwork, Instead, he included an image of his son. On his son’s handkerchief, he wrote, â€Å"El Greco made me†. That indicates how El Greco will live on through this painting and through his son. But he is not done here yet, placed against the saint is one of the El Greco’s landscape paintings. Such portraits do enhance the artwork a lot. In the second image of Las Menians by Velazquez is different from the previous one as the artist is prominently found in this artwork. Left side of the image is dominated by the back of the artists and right side by the figures. The figures including young princess, th e king, and the Queen. The princess is all dressed up for her portrait session with Velazquez. However, in the close up picture, I can see the artist seems very bored by being there. As if he just wants to finish the portrait and leave. He has this unpleasant face that according to me does enhance the artwork and makes in more interesting. He is like the focal point of the piece to set the artwork unique beside others. One way is in El Greco’s artwork, how he includes the image of his son instead of him to refer himselfShow MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pagesedition. French S. Matton, La magie arabe traditionelle, Paris, 1977 (incomplete) Latin Picatrix: The Latin Version of the Ghà ¢yat Al-Hakà ®m, ed. David Pingree (London, Warburg Institute, 1986). Spanish Abul-Casim Maslama ben Ahmad: Picatrix (El fin del sabio y el mejor de los dos medios para avanzar). Edicià ³n de Marcelino Villegas Editora Nacional. Coleccià ³n  «Biblioteca de visionarios, heterodoxos y marginados ». (Madrid, 1982). English An English translation of the first two books of Picatrix was releasedRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesHRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PART 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Socializing, Orienting, and Developing Employees 182 Managing Careers 208 PART 5 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 MAINTAINING

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